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When does Worship Service start? 10:45am

What is Worship Service like? First UMC offers a Traditional Worship Service with liturgy, hymns, responsive readings, and a chancel choir. Never been to a traditonal service? That's ok! Participate how you feel comfortable and just follow the words on the screens.

Where do I park?  There are designated parking spots for visitors on the North side of the building in front of our main office entrance facing Rymer Road. 

What do I wear? Come as you are; Jeans and a t-shirt to Sunday best.

What about my kids? On Sunday mornings we have a nursery for ages 0-4 and JAM (Jesus And Me) Children's Church for Kindergarten-5th grade. Both meet in the Christian Life Center.

On First Family Sundays - the first Sunday of each month - Children sit in the Sanctuary for Worship Service & Holy Communion. Be sure to pick up an activity packet in the Narthex for each child. 

First Youth meets in the Christan Life Center on Sunday evenings from 5pm-7pm. All students 6th-12th grades are welcome.

When is Communion? We partake in Holy Communion the first Sunday of every month. Our table is open and all are welcome.

How can I get connected? View the Ministries page or call the church office for more information.



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